Friday, 25 July 2014


Hi Everyone!

My name is Emily, and this is my new blog called Sparkling Turtles. I am hoping to stay as active as I can with my new blog which my friend told me about. Please go online to and view her blog Retro Dragonflies. She posts really cool stuff! Also check out my other friend on her blog called Taco Pandas. I will try to post cool and helpful things on my blog for you all.

Here are a few things to know about me. I love my apple electronics. I enjoy reading adventure novels, and I love watching movies out with my friends. I hope you stay as active as you can with my blog every week just like me, for more cool posts on DIYs, Book Reviews, If I just want to recommend something to you guys, or even if I just want to write about how my day went, etc. If my blog starts to get a tad boring comment down below in the comment section for something you would like me to post to liven up my blog a bit! I would really appreciate it!

Hugs & Kisses
Emily D

1 comment:

  1. Oooo sounds like a fun blog! Can't wait for you to post more things! By the way, thanks for the shout out! Hugs, Julia :)
